Terms & Conditions

The terms and conditions of Pickleballbrands describe in detail all the information regarding how the website is to be used by the users.

If you continue to access this website, you are agreeing to all the practices that are discussed in these terms and conditions. Pickleballbrands updates its terms of use every once in a while. Hence the users are advised to check the terms and conditions section of the website from time to time. Although, all the updates will be posted on the homepage of our website. Along with that, all the registered members of our websites will be notified about the amendments made to this document via email.

If you disagree with the practices that are illustrated in this document, then we strongly suggest you to stop accessing this site at this instant.


All the content that has been or will be uploaded on the website is the intellectual property of Pickleballbrands alone. All the texts, images, or graphics belong to pickleballbrands. In addition to that, all the material is protected and secured under the copyright law of the United States.

Despite these restrictions, you are allowed to use the content that has been up on the website but for personal use only. We will not tolerate if you create, copy, or use any other material for commercial purposes without the permission of Pickleball. If we become aware of this infringement then serious action will be taken against the violating party.


Every logo or watermark along with the images is a property of Pickleballbrands. We highly advise you not to use these logos and watermarks as they are a trademark of Pickleballbrands. But still, you are permitted the usage of all the images, logos, and watermarks only in the ways that are described in this document. If it comes to our attention that you have made use of these trademarks, then you will be held accountable for the consequences of your actions.

User Submission

We at Pickleballbrands motivate the users of our website to come in contact with us. We permit our users to engage with us in terms of leaving a comment, reporting a bug, or simply sending your queries to the provided email address.

We highly encourage readers to provide us with your content as well. But one thing that should be kept in mind is that Pickleballbrands has the right to alter and modify the content that you provide through any medium or channel, as well as not consider the submission at all. To keep things appropriate and smooth, we suggest you steer clear of the following:

  • Do not send material that is copied from any other source. You are allowed to share the information or data that is either completely yours or related to you. If we get the knowledge that the content that you have provided us is not your property and belongs to someone else. Then that content will be taken down straight away.
  • Do not transmit information or data that possess the ability to damage the public, property, intellectual, or privacy laws and rights. If we get to know that this is the case, then the material will be removed.
  • Please refrain from providing us the content that is morally and socially unacceptable along with content that is abusive, harassing, defaming, or disrespectful either to Pickleballbrands or any other concerned party.
  • Kindly resist sending us information, data, or content that breaks any law or order.
  • We also imply that you do not send any content or material related to self-promotion. 

Liability Restrictions

We give no guarantee that the website is functioning up to its full potential without making any mistakes. In addition to that, we do not promise that the website or the servers of Pickleballbrands are free from any sort of viruses and bugs. If you continue to use the website and encounter any problem while surfing the website, we are not to be held accountable for any loss of data, information, or any cost and expenses. 

Disclaimer Of Damage

When you choose to access this website, you are doing so at the sake of your own risk. There always remains a chance of your data or information being stolen. Furthermore, all your personal along non-personal information and data are at risk as well. This is the reason why we instruct you to indulge yourselves in any activity that might harm you or your system.

Pickleballbrands makes every possible effort to provide you with the information and data that is risk-free. But simultaneously, cannot give you the confidence that every single material that has been or will be uploaded on the website is perfectly safe. Hence the reason why you should be aware of the fact that you are surfing this website at your own risk. Pickleballbrands will not be held responsible for any loss of data and/or information.


All the links that can be found on the website other than Pickleballbrands are of third parties. The sole purpose behind providing the link is to enhance your experience on our website by displaying what you require right in front of you. Even though we try our very best to provide you with the relevant content, but cannot guarantee what sort of content you will be seeing on those linked sites.

Similarly, we cannot promise how safe it is to surf the linked site. There always lingers the chance of your information being leaked on such shady websites. Therefore we suggest you to take every precaution while browsing the sites.

Protection Against Loss

By using this website or accessing the linked sites, you are acknowledging all the terms and conditions that are mentioned in this document. On top of that, Pickleballbrands shall not and will not be responsible for any inconvenience caused.

Privacy Policy

For more information about the Privacy Policy of Pickleballbrands, please click here.

Dispute Settlement

The terms and conditions that are described in this document come under United States law. If any one of the terms or conditions is found to be inefficient, it will not invalidate the efficiency of the remaining terms and conditions.

This is an agreement between the user and the website which clarifies how the site is to be utilized by the visitors.

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